Shit Happens...
What a shit week this has been! Monday, I made an 80 mile trip to Ann Arbor for an eye exam, and they felt I needed to get a biopsy done on my temple because of acute pain there. I had been out of one of my scripts for eye drops, and it is a bitch getting this resolved. Anyone who has ever had to deal with the VA knows what a pain in the ass that is!
So off I go this AM at 5 o'clock, barely able to function and with no where near enough coffee in me, and land in Ann Arbor at 7 AM. One of the really good things about the Va is the lack of wait, and I was in the chair by 7:15. And sat there until 9:30, getting injected, infected, and just generally fucked with. They took a 2 cm length of artery out of my temple, and want to do some lab work to find out why my head hurts, and why my eyesight is going to hell so fast. They sliced and diced away at me till I was ready to dot a few eyes of my own. The only redeeming feature was the cute little Chinese doctor, all of 90 pounds, who did the surgery. I love the Chinese more than any other race of people, and that was one interlude that got me by.
So here I sit, in a shitload of pain, and can't take anything for it. Methinks a fifth of Captain's is in order, a sit down to watch my favorite show, Moonlight, and a huge, huge pity party. God, I am such a wimp when it comes to unnecessary pain! And like I said, shit happens...
Drive on,
Charlie, The Wimp
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