The Coon Chronicles

Location: Charlotte, Michigan, United States

I am a 67 year old retired guy that is living the lifestyle that I have always dreamed of. I work for myself, set my own hours, and come and go as I please. It don't get any better than that...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I'm sitting here of a Tuesday evening thinking about a lost friend. Having a cold Rolling Rock, and enjoying the fresh spring air coming through my office window - how heavenly! No biggie, I suppose, but Rybugg was a good friend who taught me much - mostly about peace, love, and serenity in the soul...

Ryan was a queer little dude - obnoxious to the core, had short people's disease, and was the most sickly cat I have ever known. I got to thinking about him tonight because it is spring, and the cats are getting anxious. Ryan had two of them - a pair of black cats of a nodescript orign, with the unlikely names of Blueno and Blodgett. He loved those damnable cats, and they were special to him. He finally relented after many years and got a dog for his wife, but it was never the same. Ryan was a cat person...

I miss him. I don't generally miss ANYBODY, folks. But I miss this obnoxious little dude that could be a great friend. How sad...



Monday, April 10, 2006

Christians Sue for Right Not to Tolerate Policies - Los Angeles Times: "Christians Sue for Right Not to Tolerate Policies"

I get my news from the LA Times. Nothing unusual here - I live in a global community. I prefer to keep track of things from a source that gives me what I want...

I read this article today, and am still incensed about the evangelical viewpoint of a good and productive portion of our society...

Here, we find a supposed Christian girl going to court to fight for the right to be intolerant. This 22 year old snot wishes the right to bash homosexuals in her own fashion, and as her Christian right. Say what? The right to demonstrate and bash members of our society that don't fit her idea of "the perfect human"? Since when have the Fundies had the right to be judge and jury, and to make calls such as this to members of our society? Gimme a break...

I am not comfortable with the stance that the Fundies are taking with our society. Furthermore, I do not like some-one else's religion shoved down my throat. I don't care if they worship Mickey Mouse, folks, as long as they keep their absurd viewpoints to themselves. It is our right as Americans to worship as we see fit, without fear of intolerance and judgment heaped down on our heads by a bunch of Bible thumping folks that have nothing more in their lives but to make those that do not believe as they do as miserable as they can.

Don't get me wrong here. I was raised in a Christian home. My father was deacon of a small Baptist church in the farming community where I lived. But my mother, rest her soul, taught us children to go with what we believed in, and to do what was right for us. I have long ago turned my back on those that preach what they call "the one true religion." Who makes that call? Jesus? Muhammad? The Enlightened One - the Buddha? Is Islam, Buddhism, and all the rest of the world going straight to hell because we are not intolerant of a person that by biological birth is homosexual? Or is it as the Fundies say - it is their right as a religious community to be intolerant and speak out against other members of our society? I hardly think so...

I call for tolerance, for understanding, and love for our fellow man. I have no wish to go to court to flaunt my religion in the face of our nation because I hate queers. I have no wish to be born in the three lower realms, my friends. And that is the Buddhist viewpoint...

