The Coon Chronicles

Location: Charlotte, Michigan, United States

I am a 67 year old retired guy that is living the lifestyle that I have always dreamed of. I work for myself, set my own hours, and come and go as I please. It don't get any better than that...

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

There are time when I don't believe the shit that goes on around me. Being a Viet vet, I have my own double dose of paranoia, and trust issues, but I always have checks and balances in place to insure no one fucks with me. It has served me well, and I am a survivor...

There is a girl - let's call her Kat - that is in my life. I met her this year when we moved into our B&M here in town, and she has worked with me off and on on some projects. Kat is tall and slim, blond hair and blue eyes, and a pretty outgoing kinda gal.

Recently, she took me to the VA. I needed meds, and couldn't walk, so she volunteered to take me. We spent the day together, as is usual for the VA. During our long wait, she talked openly and frankly to me, and I was enjoying my day with her. She helped me a lot that day, and I enjoyed her company - something unusual for the old Coon.

She discussed things with me that are better left unsaid between a married man and a single woman. When a gal talks to you about oral and anal sex, you tend to get a bit excited, even at my age. But I enjoyed the conversation - what man wouldn't! - and found myself loose and easy going with her. It appears she has a thing about sex, and talked openly about it to me, with no prompting from me whatsoever.

On the long drive home, Kat told me about her sons' friends, and how they all wished to bed her. She used the term MILTF, and if ya been around the internet long, you know what that means. I then told Kat that I found her sexually attractive, which I do. There was no hidden agenda, and wasn't hitting on her. I do not expect her to jump into bed with me, and I am a married man after all. And I surely am not stupid - a woman 21 years my junior sure as hell doesn't have any desire to drop her panties for an old man.

You may wonder why I find her sexually attractive. Pretty simple, really. I am a man, after all. One evening, Kat sat with me and my wife on the roof of our building, enjoying the summer breeze and chatting. The talk turned to tattoos, and I was aware she has several. My wife, for some unknown reason, asked her to show us here tattoos, and she hardly hesitated. Kat wore a black polka dot dress, and before I know it, had hiked it up to her belly button, and showed me a tatttoo of the outline of a cat's face. Naive as I am, I asked her the significance. Her reply? "Wanna see my pussy"? So here the old Coon sits, this lovely woman 2 feet in front to him, her dress up to her belly button, and I am seeing long slim legs, slim hips, a flat little belly, and tiny little white cotton panties. I am, of course, not expected to notice any of these details....

But that was not the topper. She then proceeded to turn around, pull her panties down, and show us her perky little ass, asking us if we could see where they had removed several moles from her butt. Needless to say, I found this very titillating...

So I, fool that I am, told her that I found her sexually attractive. Why the hell wouldn't I? Because we spoke of topics that should be taboo between an unmarried woman and a married man, and I had a look at a really great ass, I found myself in the predicament that I wished to share with her how I felt towards her. So, I did...

Kat betrayed my confidence. Here was a gal talking to me all day about sex, who kissed me on the lips when she left for a few minutes, who when she dropped me off took me in her arms and kissed me on the mouth, and who made no bones about her feelings about sex. We were as close to becoming friends as I could want to be with another woman, and found I liked that. So why then did she betray my confidence? Because she is a woman, and women appear to not be able to stand it unless they are bashing the men in their lives. She went to a trade show with Rosie on the following Sunday, and told her what I had said about her being sexually attractive to me. Of course, I had some explaining to do when confronted with that by my dear wife. And I, being a man, had to confess to my dear wife that I found another woman sexy enough to wish to bed her. And I did not feel the need to defend myself, or did not feel ashamed of what I had said to Kat. Try that one on for size!

It is a matter of trust. I told Kat this in confidence, after she had told me so many sexual things. I am thinking that if I told my wife some of the things she had said to me before I ever opened my fat mouth to her, that she would be horrified, and rightfully so. But I did not betray her confidence, nor even thought of it. It was a private conversation between a man and a woman...

Tomorrow Kat is to take me to get my pickup. I will tell her what I think, which is that I am a bit hurt, but more saddened. I could have built a good friendship with her, but now, she returns to just the girl that works for my wife. I will blow her off, and be done with her. She does not have my trust, nor has earned it, And being the man I am, have no time for people I do not trust...

The lesson to be learned here is age old. A man cannot trust a woman with his feeling or thoughts, even if he is married to her. Personally, I do not tell my wife 99.5% of the things I am feeling, even though she is curious. I do not know of any men that do. It is one of the biggest complaints many women I know have about their partners. Is it any wonder that we men hide our thoughts and feelings? When if we do speak to a woman in confidence, and trust her with our feelings, and then find that she betrays us to another? Do women not understand the lack of communication with their mates?

Once burned, twice shy. That is my position, and how it is gonna be. I have few friends, but the ones I have I trust with my life, and know that I can express to them how I feel about things without fear of reprisal. How sad...

Fuck it, don't mean nothin'...

Drive on,


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

A redneck friend sent this to me. I find that my redneck friends are kinda great people, and are the workers of the world who have to sit on the sidelines and watch everyone else play the fuckin' games, while they struggle to keep food in front of their children. Teresha is one of the greatest I know, and sent me this. I hear her loud and clear...


My Fellow Americans: As you all know, the defeat of the Iraq regime has been completed.

Since congress does not want to spend any more money on this war, our mission in Iraq is complete.

This morning I gave the order for a complete removal of all American forces from Iraq . This action will be complete within 30 days. It is now time to begin the reckoning.

Before me, I have two lists. One list contains the names of countries which have stood by our side during the Iraq conflict. This list is short. The United Kingdom, Spain , Bulgaria, Australia, and Poland are some of the countries listed there.

The other list contains everyone not on the first list. Most of the world's nations are on that list. My press secretary will be distributing copies of both lists later this evening.

Let me start by saying that effective immediately, foreign aid to those nations on List 2 ceases immediately and indefinitely. The money saved during the first year alone will pretty much pay for the costs of the Iraqi war.

The American people are no longer going to pour money into third world Hellholes and watch those government leaders grow fat on corruption.

Need help with a famine ? Wrestling with an epidemic? Call France.

In the future, together with Congress, I will work to redirect this money toward solving the vexing social problems we still have at home. On that note, a word to terrorist organizations. Screw with us and we will hunt you down and eliminate you and all your friends from the face of the earth.

Thirsting for a gutsy country to terrorize? Try France, or maybe China .

I am ordering the immediate severing of diplomatic relations with France, Germany, and Russia. Thanks for all your help, comrades. We are retiring from NATO as well. Bon chance, mes amis.

I have instructed the Mayor of New York City to begin towing the many UN diplomatic vehicles located in Manhattan with more than two unpaid parking tickets to sites where those vehicles will be stripped, shredded and crushed.. I don't care about whatever treaty pertains to this. You creeps have tens of thousands of unpaid tickets. Pay those tickets tomorrow or watch your precious Benzes, Beamers and limos be turned over to some of the finest chop shops in the world. I love New York.

A special note to our neighbors. Canada is on List 2. Since we are likely to be seeing a lot more of each other, you folks might want to try not pissing us off for a change.

Mexico is also on List 2. President Fox and his entire corrupt government really need an attitude adjustment. I will have a couple extra tank and infantry divisions sitting around. Guess where I am going to put 'em? Yep, border security.

Oh, by the way, the United States is abrogating the NAFTA treaty - starting now.

We are tired of the one-way highway. Immediately, we'll be drilling for oil in Alaska - which will take care of this country's oil needs for decades to come. If you're an environmentalist who opposes this decision, I refer you to List 2 above: pick a country and move there. They care.

It is time for America to focus on its own welfare and its own citizens. Some will accuse us of isolationism. I answer them by saying, "darn tootin."

Nearly a century of trying to help folks live a decent life around the world has only earned us the undying enmity of just about everyone on the planet. It is time to eliminate hunger in America. It is time to eliminate homelessness in America. To the nations on List 1, a final thought. Thank you guys. We owe you and we won't forget.

To the nations on List 2, a final thought: You might want to learn to speak Arabic.

God bless America. Thank you and good night.

If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you are reading it in English, thank a soldier.

Drive on.
