The Coon Chronicles

Location: Charlotte, Michigan, United States

I am a 67 year old retired guy that is living the lifestyle that I have always dreamed of. I work for myself, set my own hours, and come and go as I please. It don't get any better than that...

Monday, May 29, 2006

Urban Legends Reference Pages: Photo Gallery (Beer Can House)

I am very fond of Urban Legends, and always look forward to the Darwin Awards.

I am also a bit fond of my beer, much to the chagrin of my dear Rosie. but hey! I can't even begin to hold a candle to this dude!

I used to drink Coors Light, and still get a sixer now and then, but this guy didn't have a drinking problem, he had a friggin' vocation!

You gotta see this to believe it - the old Coon has been out done...

Drive on...


Friday, May 26, 2006

Senate Confirms Hayden As CIA Director

What the hell has this country come to? Not only do we have a military man running the CIA, but this guy run the NSA from 1999-2005, and was responsible for the wiretapping scandel that plagues this nation to this day.

Hayden was rushed through the process because Congress has been nipping at the heels of the White House for more information on the wiretapping issue. Bush was able to get this in place in just 17 days.

The handwriting is on the wall, folks. Hold onto your collective asses...



Friday, May 12, 2006

Sometimes, I Just Can't Stand It...

Rosie will open tomorrow. We have spent the day putting the final touches on Bella Grande. (Pictures at 11...) She is of course all a'twitter, thinking she will fuck up on opening day. How sad...

Either she is ready, or she is not. She has everything in place, up to, and including, the accourterments. She has help. She has refreshments, and all the bases covered. She has bon-bons, eclairs, and a sweet fruit punch. Fat broad clothes on the racks. What more needs to be put in place?

There is cash in the cash drawer, merchandise on the racks for sale, and everything needed...

Drive on...



Thursday, May 04, 2006

Boycott for $1.30-a-Gallon Gas Divides Tiny Bee County, Texas - Los Angeles Times

One sees that the folks in America have had a bit of the gut full of gas prices. This is my latest rant, BTW. I am having a hard time figuring out why Exxon-Mobil can turn such a major profit, yet nothing is done about the prices of gasoline.

Here is what a county in Texas is doing about it. Man, the mentality of some people freaks me!

